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Monday, October 31, 2011

Ideas And Sample Baby Shower Games

Ideas And Sample Baby Shower Games

Are you asked to organize a baby shower party? Are you well-known with some baby shower games? If you do not identify any games for such event or you undoubtedly do not have any idea in mind, you don' need to worry that much. Just do some research and you will definitely get the ideas you need. Look nearby or ask nearby for suggestions. You may also want to use some of the ideas and games listed below.

One base game is naming baby food. What you will need on this performance is a combine of empty packs or packaging of food that babies eat. Cover the name of the brand of the food or product. Then, have some guests of the party guess the name of the brand by calling names randomly. If they talk correctly, they win the game.

Another unlikeness to this performance is done wherein you will prepare real child food without labeling it. Place it in a container and pass this to the participants and have them taste it. The participant who can give the right talk wins. If the food has some flavoring, ask the flavor too to make the guessing game more fun.

The next base game that you can have is "popping balloons, naming baby items". You will need balloons in this game but inside the balloon will be a piece of paper with a name of any child item. For example, on a red balloon you will put a paper inside before it is blown with the label "baby bottle". Have many balloons and put many names of child items inside. Aside from the names, have the actual item and put it in a table for the guests to see.

Now the mechanics are as follows: group three guests together and assign them balloons. When the performance starts, they will have to pop the balloons fast and get the piece of paper inside and look for the item on the table. The group who can complete the task first and made correct labels on the actual items wins.

One more fun performance to have is "guessing infant's gender". Gain many child pictures and make sure it is hard to tell their gender. Be sure to note the gender of the baby in the photo so you will not forget. Group the participants of the game and give each group a occasion to talk once for every photo flashed to them. Give one points for the right talk and the group who has the top points wins.

Aside from the activities listed above, you can still get more ideas especially if you think that the baby shower games above are not appropriate. If you got something that's a bit boring, make changes to make it unique and more fun. Gain information and ideas from friends too. They can undoubtedly help you in organizing a successful baby shower event.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Cloth Diapers - Flat and Pre-Fold Diapers

Cloth Diapers - Flat and Pre-Fold Diapers

Cloth diapers can be confusing. Gone are the days when the only diapers on the store were white terry squares. These days, there's a proliferation of separate types, shapes, sizes, colours and systems. And with more and more diapers advent on to the store every year, it can all seem a bit bewildering.

So here is an introduction to the basic kinds of cloth diaper you will find today.

This first record looks at

Flat diapers

Pre-fold diapers

The next record will look other types on the market. Remember that you don't have to stick to one brand. Mix and match your diaper stash to get the right blend of cloth diapers for you, your baby, and your family's lifestyle.

1. Flat diapers.

These, basically, are the old-fashioned terry squares (though you can get them in separate colours these days). You fold it, then fasten it snugly around your baby. There are many separate ways to fold a flat diaper, from a uncomplicated triangle to what can only be described as diaper-origami. For newborn babies, you can also use a quadrate of muslin folded in the same way, which cuts out the bulkiness. The diaper is the absorbent part, so you need to use a separate waterproof wrap over the top.

Flat diapers are the cheapest you can get. It might be worth stocking up on these, which will save you a important amount of money compared to the more expensive cloth diapers, so that you can afford good waterproof wraps.

And don't be fooled by the fact that flat diapers are so cheap. Once you get the hang of how you use them, they can work as well as (if not good than) any other kind of excellent cloth diaper. Practise separate folds until you work out which you like best, and you can tweak, tighten and tuck the diaper so that it moulds your baby's unique shape honestly perfectly.

Parents who start off using shaped diapers for their first baby often end up 'graduating' to flat diapers for subsequent babies, because they've realised how versatile and reliable they are. Once you're an scholar at folding and fitting a flat diaper, they'll withstand any amount of wriggling. Nothing will fly from the diaper - not even the baby!

The other advantage of flat diapers is that they dry so fast. Because they unfold into a particular layer of cloth, they will ordinarily dry in a matter of hours. Other, thicker, shaped diapers, with several layers of cloth, take longer.

You need something to procure the diaper in place. In the past, this used to be safety pins. These days, you can get clever small stretchy devices with tiny 'teeth' that hook into the fabric and do the same job.

The only real disadvantage of flat diapers is that they can be a bit bulkier than some of the more expensive brands. Shops tend to sell baby clothes to go over disposable diapers, not cloth ones. But if you dress your baby in stretchy clothes, though, this shouldn't be a problem. So it's worth having a stash of these, even if you only use them at home.

2. Pre-fold diapers.

These are pretty much like flat diapers, except that they consist of a merge of layers of absorbent material, with a pre-stitched 'fold' line. Think of a three-fold leaflet - that's how you fold a pre-fold diaper, to make what is basically a rectangular wad of cloth. The waterproof wrap holds this in place. The only real advantage of this diaper over the flat terry squares is naturally that you don't have to mess about with any folding.

Pre-folds work well with smaller, less movable babies. You may find, though, that as your baby starts crawling around, pre-fold diapers might start to slip out of place.

Some parents swear by pre-folds as a perfectly workable compromise in the middle of cost and convenience. They're still pretty cheap, but you don't have to mess about studying any folding. So, if you really, really, honestly can't stand the idea of folding a diaper, but you still want to keep your costs down, consider pre-folds.

But do yourself a favour - just have a few tries with a suitable flat diaper as well, just in case you change mind. Who knows? You might find (as many parents have before you) that you enjoy the art of folding diapers - and even come to be something of an expert.

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